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vineri, 14 ianuarie 2011

News! Tucson: Heroes amidst the horror

In an interview with Mike Blog Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Ron Barber describes in chilling detail how he was shot alongside his boss, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Gupta also spoke to Giffords' husband, U.S. Navy Capt. Mark Kelly. For more from them, other victims and the medical team caring for them, tune in to a special "SGMD," Saturday at 7:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. and Sunday at 7:30 a.m. ET

At University Medical Center in Tucson, four patients remain in the hospital. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is now the only one in critical condition.

Outside, there is a constantly busy makeshift memorial, even in the middle of the night. Television and newspaper reporters are buzzing around, trying to satisfy the appetite of a curious public. There is so much attention on these four patients, that it was somewhat surprising that they hardly know it. Most of them have cut themselves off and barely watched any news reports, or even visited with other victims down the hall.

I was allowed to meet with the patients at UMC, as they decided to speak for the very first time. It became clear within moments that as much as I wanted to record their stories, they needed – they wanted to talk even more.

Ron Barber was the first patient I met. Kindly, softspoken, he welcomed me in with a smile and introduced me to his wife, Nancy. For 40 years, Ron had worked as an advocate for those with developmental disabilities, and he had retired before coming to work as a staff member for Congresswoman Giffords.

It was jarring when he started to describe the horrible scene that unfolded. He heard the noise and saw Giffords take a bullet in the head. As he spun around toward the shooter, he also was shot, first in the face and then in the leg.

He slumped to the ground and found himself lying right next to Giffords, who had her back to him. As he struggled to make sense of it all, suddenly their colleague, Gabe Zimmerman, fell face-first right between them. “He was so still,” he told me. “I knew he was dead.”

Nearly delirious, Barber started reaching for his Blackberry so he could “call Gabby’s parents,” he said, oblivious to the fact that he was bleeding to death from a torn femoral artery in his leg. Suddenly a woman named Anna – Anna Ballis he would learn later - was there using her bare hands to stop the blood loss, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw 20-year-old Daniel Hernandez cradling Gifford’s head.

“Heroes amidst the horror,” I said softly. He nodded and seemed a little choked up. “Anna came to visit me today,” he said with a genuine smile.

Captain Mark Kelly was in Houston when Pia Carusone, Gifford’s chief of staff, called him and told him he needed to get to Tucson. A Navy pilot and astronaut, Captain Kelly had access to a fast plane and arrived at the hospital just as his wife emerged from surgery.

He met with Dr. Michael Lemole and Dr. Peter Rhee and learned for the first time the details of what had happened to his wife. Rhee was very optimistic that Giffords would survive, while Lemole had an obligation to take a more “long-term view of the future,” as he described it to me. “I do think about her neurological function, and it is just too early to tell what that will be,” he added.

“Did she know the president of the United States visited her last night?” I asked Captain Kelly. He paused and said, “Yes, I think she did know… though, I think she was trying to figure out what he was doing there.”

And, there was the eye opening. Captain Kelly doesn’t strike me as a man who would use the term “miracle” off the cuff. Yet, it was exactly how he described the moment his wife opened her eyes in the presence of old friends. She had reached out with her left hand and sort of stroked his face, he said. “At first I thought she was trying to strangle me,” he joked. And then she opened her eyes. “It was miraculous.”

“We are wise to acknowledge miracles,” Lemole said Thursday. I asked him about it later, and he smiled. “Some people don’t believe that, and may even ridicule it.”

NEWS ALERT! Tunisia: President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali forced out

Tunisia's president has stepped down after 23 years in power amid unprecedented protests on the streets of the capital Tunis.Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi said he would be taking over from President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali.

A state of emergency has been declared amid protests over corruption, unemployment and rising prices.

Reports say Mr Ben Ali has left the country, but this has yet to be confirmed by officials.

Earlier, police fired tear gas as thousands of protesters gathered outside the interior ministry.

Doctors say that 13 people were killed in overnight clashes in Tunis, and there are unconfirmed reports that five people have been killed in protests on Friday outside the capital.Troops have surrounded the country's main international airport, Tunis Carthage, and the country's air space has been closed.

In an address on state television, Mr Ghannouchi said: "Since the president is temporarily unable to exercise his duties, it has been decided that the prime minister will exercise temporarily the duties."

Mr Ghannouchi, 69, a former finance minister who has been prime minister since 1999, will serve as interim president.

Earlier, the president - who had said in a TV address on Thursday night that he would relinquish power in 2014 - said he was dismissing the government and dissolving parliament, and that new elections would be held within six months.

The state of emergency decree bans more than three people from gathering together in the open, and imposes a night-time curfew. Security forces have been authorised to open fire on people not obeying their orders.

Human rights groups say dozens of people have died in recent weeks as unrest has swept the country and security forces have cracked down on the protests.

joi, 13 ianuarie 2011

Natalie Portman topless pentru Dior!

Natalie Portman a pozat topless pentru a promova imaginea marcii Christian Dior.
Chiar daca este insarcinata, actrita a acceptat sa se dezbrace pentru promovarea parfumului Miss Dior Cherie. Ea poarta ca accesoriu doar o bentita neagra cu fundita. Aceasta campanie, care va aparea, potrivit Daily Mail, in martie se anunta a fi un real succes, reclama fiind regizata de Sophia Coppola."Aveam o repulsie cand venea vorba sa vand produse, dar am realizat ca ar putea fi o companie pe care as fi mandra sa o reprezint", a spus Natalie. Probabil ca farmecele actritei vor fi de bun augur pentru vanzarile parfumului. De altfel, se pare ca rolul pe care Natalie l-a avut in filmul "Black Swan" i-ar putea aduce actritei un binemeritat premiu Oscar.

Anna Lesko, in Franta cu Elan Schwartzenberg?

Cantareata Anna Lesko nu a fost singura in vacanta din Franta. Se pare ca omul de afaceri Elan Schwartzenberg i-a tinut companie!
Anna Lesko a avut parte de o vacanta frumoasa in Franta, asta pana cand si-a rupt mana la schi, in statiunea Courchevel. Surse din anturajul frumoasei cantarete ne-au dezvaluit faptul ca aceasta nu ar fi fost singura in vacanta, ci in compania unei mai vechi cunostinte de-ale ei, omul de afaceri Elan Schwartzenberg, fostul sot al Mihaelei Radulescu.Cei doi nu ar fi la prima escapada de acest gen. In 2009, Lesko si Elan Schwartzenberg au zburat cu acelasi avion spre Tel-Aviv, iar de-a lungul timpului, ei au mai fost surprinsi impreuna in oras sau luand masa la restaurantele de fite din Capitala.

Atentie +18 Erotic...Amy Reid, cea mai obraznica nemtoaica din industria XXX

Amy Reid este fara indoiala cea mai solicitata actrita porno din Germania.
Are 25 de ani, s-a nascut in Frankfurt si este cunoscuta pentru filmele si pictorialele sale in intreaga lume.

Aceasta este Amy Reid, o nemtoaica ce a facut industria porno din Germania sa ajunga din nou la stralucirea pe care o avea in anii '80.

Dotata cu o pereche de sani naturali ce ar putea sa faca orice femeie sa fie invidioasa, Amy este din ce in ce mai solicitata de producatorii de filme pentru adulti, atat din Europa cat si din statele Unite, datorita atitudinii sale degajate pe care o are in fata camerelor de filmat.

Este frumoasa, perversa si poate indeplini cam toate fanteziile pe care un barbat le-ar avea in materie de sex.

Daniela Crudu, concediata de la Antena 1?

Daniela Crudu este pe punctul de a fi concediata de sefii Antenei 1, in urma scandalului in care a fost implicata cu Leo de la Strehaia.
Cei 10.000 de euro pe care i-a primit "cadou de Mos Nicolae" de la Leo de la Strehaia i-au adus mai multe ghinioane decat satisfactii Danielei Crudu. Frumoasa vedeta Playboy a fost acuzata ca a folosit banii pentru a-si mitui producatoarea si pe Razvan, colegul sau de la matinalul Antenei 1, pentru a ramane in continuare pe postul de sexy-asistenta.

Aceste zvonuri, cat si faptul ca Daniela si-a sifonat imaginea din cauza asa-zisei relatii cu "Printul tiganilor", i-au facut pe sefii acesteia sa o concedieze. Astfel, luni, cand matinalii Razvan si Dani se vor intoarce din vacanta, va fi facut oficial acest anunt.

"Nu imi vine sa cred ce a putut sa spuna. Nu am dat niciodata bani, nici producatoarei, nici lui Razvan, nimanui. E adevarat ca m-am vazut cu Leo. Mi-a spus la telefon ca nu vrea decat sa isi faca publicitate pe spatele meu si ca se va folosi si de banii pe care mi i-a dat cadou de Mos Nicolae. Dar de aici si pana la a spune acele minciuni mi se pare de necrezut", declara Daniela Crudu.

"Nu imi vine sa cred ce se intampla cu mine. Echipa de la emisiune m-a ajutat mereu, iar ei nu s-au bagat niciodata in vreun lucru murdar. Faptul ca taraste niste oameni care nu au nici o vina, in tot acest scandal, mi se pare josnic. Ce barbat este daca face asa ceva?", mai spune aceasta.

Pe de alta parte, Leo de la Strehaia isi poate savura victoria. Dupa ce l-a lasat cu buza umflata pentru ca, asa cum declara chiar el, nu i-a iesit pasienta cu Daniela, Leo ii da acesteia lovitura de gratie spunandu-i prin intermediul presei ca in momentul in care va dona cei 10.000 de euro va considera ca sunt chit:

"A venit la mine acasa, dar nu a fost nimic intre noi. Au ramas la ea 400 de milioane de lei. Daca ii va dona, consider ca suntem chit."



